Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday 26th March

Our first meeting with the students coming to Florence! What a buzz!!! We wanted to give the students last instructions together with badges that have to be worn in Florence. We overlooked the fact that the students would wear them at school for the rest of the day and perhaps leave them on the bus!! Oh well. It's part of the excitement.

During the meeting all I could hear was 'hostel... swimming...what fun!.. shopping!' Sigh! What of the great Giotto, Donatello, Michelangelo...Botticelli?!

6 more days!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Very excited!

At the moment we are all very excited preparing for this trip!
'Yeah!! 10 more days'

I would just like to say that the Caravaggio experience 2008 had alot to do with this trip to Florence because one of the visitors at the school exhibition happened to be a professor and senior lecturer at SACI Studio Art Centers International - Florence. Did Roberta really think I was going to take her invitation seriously?...
... I did and here we are justing counting the days!

So three cheers to Caravaggio and more cheers to Roberta Lapucci!